Handbook Splicing Modern Ropes

De Engelse vertaling van 'Splitsen van moderne lijnen' door Jan-Willem Polman. Compleet handboek met alle splitsinstructies en veel achtergrondinformatie over lijnen.

Taal: Engels
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€ 25,95 € 25,95
Taal: Engels

De Engelse vertaling van 'Splitsen van moderne lijnen' door Jan-Willem Polman. Compleet handboek met alle splitsinstructies en veel achtergrondinformatie over lijnen.

Geschreven door Jan-Willem Polman, oprichter van de Lijnenspecialist.

ISBN: 9781472924919 - Hardcover - 176 blz - Uitgever: Adlard Coles / Bloomsbury


Splicing modern ropes has quickly become the world's standard instruction book for splicing braided ropes. All techniques are covered in over 450 high-resolution photo's. The book starts with background information about rope materials and constructions.

Using clear, step-by-step photography and detailed instructions, this book will guide readers through all the stages. These rope splicing techniques are explained:

· Make strong, reliable splices in braided rope.
· Select ropes in the materials that best suit your on-board requirements.
· Customise your ropes to make your setup easier and safer.
· Optimise your deck layout and save weight on board.
· Taper your sheets for ease of handling.
· Splice an extra cover on your ropes to give better grip in clutches, avoid chafe and make them last longer.

Written by Jan-Willem Polman, founder of Premiumropes.

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