Stirotex Ropes

Premium Ropes




Strong & Durable




Performance & Racing

Ropes made from Stirotex® fibres are a great choice for performance sailing and racing regatta’s. It’s popularity amongst sailors is not surprising, since it has very little stretch, is UV-resistant and is also twice as strong as polyester. Moreover, ropes made from Stirotex® fibres offer an unparalleled value for money.

A good cover jacket is sometimes needed for additional protection. For example, for racing yachts a cover of Technora, like our TN-Racing, is recommended to protect the core from excessive heat from friction on winches. Where the line does not wear or is held by hand, it’s fine to remove the cover in order to spare weight (tapering). This works excellent for spinnaker sheets or halyards with Stirotex®. Splicing ropes made with Stirotex® fibres is very easy. A line with Stirotex® fibres gets 95% of its strength out of the core, the cover only serves for protection. So for splicing, the cover is not needed. Stirotex® fibres are often used to replace stainless steel wire. Softshackles, back-stays and loops on board of sailing yachts are good examples.

S-Core: Outhaul, vang, (running) backstay, guardrail, control lines, loops, softshackles

S-Cup: Halyards, sheets, control lines, traveller, topping lift, downhaul

TN-Racing: Halyards, sheets, control lines, traveller, topping lift, downhaul

S-Shock: Exceptionally abrasion resistant shockcord 

Stirotex ropes

4 Items

  1. S Core
    SKU: PRR350

    Toepassing: Trimlijn, Achterstag

    Lijn van 100% stirotex zonder mantel. Sterker dan staal & rekvrij.

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    € 1,25 € 1,25
  2. S Cup
    SKU: PRR330

    Toepassing: Val, Schoot, Trimlijn

    Deze topkwaliteit racing lijn heeft een gecoate Stirotex grade 12 kern en 24-voudig gevlochten mantel. Eigenschappen: Geschikt om te splitsen en te verjongen (bv bij spi-schoot), zeer lage rek en licht. Door de duurzame mantel geschikt voor gebruik in stoppers. Breed toepasbare lijn.

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    € 1,25 € 1,25
  3. TN Racing
    SKU: PRR340

    Toepassing: Val, Schoot, Trimlijn

    Dit is een high-performance lijn met een kern van Stirotex® vezels en een Technora/polyester mantel. Technora is enorm slijtvast en houdt extreem goed in stoppers, deze lijn is dan ook geschikt voor grote boten en grote lieren.

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    € 2,60 € 2,60
  4. S Shock
    SKU: PRR360

    Toepassing: Universeel

    Hoog flexibele latex elastiek met Stirotex mantel. Slijtvast en lage weerstand. Altijd handig aan boord.

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    Vanaf € 1,45 € 1,45
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